Corporate Governance

The Foundation of a
Well-Managed Institution

We are fully committed to integrity and fair dealing in all our activities, and have adopted the best practice of corporate governance in all areas of our business.
Corporate Governance

Governance Policies

Board Charter
Board Charter
ABMB's Constitution
ABMB's Constitution
Conflicts of Interest Policy for Directors
Conflicts of Interest Policy
for Directors
Code of Conduct
Code of Conduct
Whistleblowing Statement
Whistleblowing Statement
Anti-Bribery & Corruption Policy
Terms of Reference for Committees
Terms of Reference
for Committees
Remuneration Policy for Non-Executive Directors
Remuneration Policy for
Non-Executive Directors
Board Gender Diversity
Board Gender Diversity
Group Policy on Fit & Proper
Group Policy on Fit & Proper

Annual Report 2023

This Integrated Annual Report (“Report”) aims to provide comprehensive yet concise information covering Alliance Bank Malaysia Berhad’s (“Alliance Bank" or “ABMB" or “the Bank") key developments, challenges, solutions and overall value creation efforts for the financial year ended 31 March 2023 (“FY2023”). It also aims to inform our stakeholders regarding our outlook and prospects as well as the key strategies and risk mitigation techniques we are leveraging to deliver ongoing and sustainable value.

Through this Report, we aim to demonstrate our commitment to accountability and transparency in order to strengthen the trust of our stakeholders.

View our latest annual report
Annual Report 2023

Terms of Reference

Terms of Reference of the
Group Audit Committee
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Terms of Reference of the
Group Nomination & Remuneration Committee
View PDF
Terms of Reference of the
Group Risk Management Committee
View PDF
Terms of Reference of the
ABMB Executive Committee
View PDF
Terms of Reference of the
Group Sustainability Committee
View PDF
Terms of Reference of the
Group Information Technology Committee
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Disclosure on Fines and Settlements
There were no material fines, penalties, and settlements effected for the financial year 2024.
Disclosure on Provisions for Fines and Settlements for ESG issues in audited accounts
The Bank has not made any provisions for fines and settlements for ESG issues in the audited accounts for the financial year 2023.