Islamic Profit Rates

With effect from SBR (% p.a.)
10 May 2023 3.00%
With effect from BR (% p.a.)
10 May 2023 3.82%
With effect from BLR (% p.a.)
10 May 2023 6.67%
Amount (RM) Rate (% p.a.)
Up to 1,000 0.00
Up to 5,000 0.00
Up to 30,000 0.00
Up to 50,000 0.00
Up to 100,000 0.00
Up to 500,000 0.00
Above 500,000 1.25
Effective date: 10 May 2023

* “Hibah may be provided at the discretion of the Bank, at such rate determined by the Bank from time to time. The information provided above is on the historical rates for hibah previously granted by the bank and it shall not be construed as indicative or prospective rates of return or a guarantee or legally binding promise that hibah will be granted by the Bank”

Amount (RM) Rate (% p.a.)
Up to 1,000 1.00
Up to 5,000 1.00
Up to 10,000 1.00
Up to 30,000 1.00
Up to 50,000 1.00
Up to 75,000 1.00
Up to 100,000 1.00
Above 100,000 1.00
Effective date: 9 November 2022

* “Hibah may be provided at the discretion of the Bank, at such rate determined by the Bank from time to time. The information provided above is on the historical rates for hibah previously granted by the bank and it shall not be construed as indicative or prospective rates of return or a guarantee or legally binding promise that hibah will be granted by the Bank”

Amount (RM) Rate (% p.a.)
0 - 50,001 1.10
50,001 to 100,000 1.35
Above 100,000 1.85
Effective date: 10 May 2023

* “Hibah based on the Qard concept may be provided at the discretion of the Bank, at such a rate determined by the Bank from time to time. The information provided above is on the historical rates for hibah previously granted by the Bank and it shall not be construed as indicative or prospective rates of return or a guarantee or legally binding promise that hibah will be granted by the Bank.”

* “Profit rate based on the Commodity Murabahah via Tawarruq concept is based on the prevailing profit rate according to the individual product. For any change of prevailing profit rate, such change will be displayed via notice at our branches or bank’s website at or by any other mode of notification and will be applicable for new placements.”

Amount (RM) Rate (% p.a.)
0 - 50,001 2.55
Above 50,000 0.00
Effective date: 19 August 2024

* “Hibah based on the Qard concept may be provided at the discretion of the Bank, at such a rate determined by the Bank from time to time. The information provided above is on the historical rates for hibah previously granted by the Bank and it shall not be construed as indicative or prospective rates of return or a guarantee or legally binding promise that hibah will be granted by the Bank.”

* “Profit rate based on the Commodity Murabahah via Tawarruq concept is based on the prevailing profit rate according to the individual product. For any change of prevailing profit rate, such change will be displayed via notice at our branches or bank’s website at or by any other mode of notification and will be applicable for new placements.”

Amount (RM) Rate (% p.a.)
0 - 10,000 0.00
10,001 to 30,000 0.00
30,001 to 50,000 0.00
50,001 to 100,000 0.00
100,001 to 200,000 0.00
200,001 to 500,000 1.40
Above 500,000 1.65
Effective date: 10 May 2023

* “Hibah based on the Qard concept may be provided at the discretion of the Bank, at such a rate determined by the Bank from time to time. The information provided above is on the historical rates for hibah previously granted by the Bank and it shall not be construed as indicative or prospective rates of return or a guarantee or legally binding promise that hibah will be granted by the Bank.”

* “Profit rate based on the Commodity Murabahah via Tawarruq concept is based on the prevailing profit rate according to the individual product. For any change of prevailing profit rate, such change will be displayed via notice at our branches or bank’s website at or by any other mode of notification and will be applicable for new placements.”

Amount (RM) Rate (% p.a.)
0 - 20,000 0.00
20,001 - 50,000 1.20
50,001 - 200,000 1.80
200,001 - 500,000 2.85
Above 500,000 3.00
Effective date: 10 May 2023

* “Hibah based on the Qard concept may be provided at the discretion of the Bank, at such a rate determined by the Bank from time to time. The information provided above is on the historical rates for hibah previously granted by the Bank and it shall not be construed as indicative or prospective rates of return or a guarantee or legally binding promise that hibah will be granted by the Bank.”

* “Profit rate based on the Commodity Murabahah via Tawarruq concept is based on the prevailing profit rate according to the individual product. For any change of prevailing profit rate, such change will be displayed via notice at our branches or bank’s website at or by any other mode of notification and will be applicable for new placements.”

Tenure (Months) Profit Rate (% p.a.)
1 2.55
2 2.65
3 2.75
4 - 5 2.80
6 - 11 2.85
12 2.90
13 - 24 2.90
25 - 36 Negotiable
37 - 48 Negotiable
48 - 60 Negotiable
Effective date: 19 August 2024
Tenure (Months) Profit Rate (% p.a.)
12 2.90
15 2.90
18 2.90
21 2.90
24 2.90
12 2.90
36 Negotiable
48 Negotiable
60 Negotiable
Effective date: 19 August 2024