Structured Investment

Diversify Your Portfolio.
Fuel Your Growth.

Derivative based structured solutionsthat provide flexibility and growth.

Structured Investment
It consists of a derivative-linked investment that pays out in fixed or variable amounts based on the performance of an underlying reference asset, such as equity, interest rate, commodity and currency

Why invest in a Structured Investment?

  • This type of investment offers investors exposure to a variety of asset classes, including equity, interest rate, commodities, and currencies
  • 100% principal protection structures allow investors to earn potential coupons while preserving their capital if the investment is held to maturity. This makes them a good option for investors who are looking for a way to preserve their capital while still earning some potential income

Type of Structured Investment We Offer

  • Callable Range Accrual Structured Investment
  • Inverse Floater Structured Investments
  • Equity Linked Structured Investment
  • Equity Linked Convertibly Investment
  • Autocallable Digital Memory Equity Structured Investment


Who is it for?

Structured Investment is suitable for those who :
  • Want a medium term investment with potentially higher returns than a normal deposit.
  • Want to gain exposure into the particular asset class.
  • Want to earn fixed or variable income payout based on the performance of the underlying reference asset.
  • The information provided herein is for reference and general information purposes only and should not be construed as an offer to sell, a solicitation to buy, or a subscription to any investment products.
  • Investment Products are not obligations of, guaranteed or insured by the Bank and are subject to investment risks (e.g. market risk, currency risk and issuer credit risk) including the possible loss of the principal amount invested.
  • Investors are advised to read, understand and carefully study the risk factors set out in the content of the relevant documents of the respective investment products including but not limited to the Prospectus or Information Memorandum and Product Highlights Sheet before investing. For more information and to obtain copies of the Prospectus or Information Memorandum or Product Highlights Sheet, please visit the nearest branch or consult our Relationship Manager / Sales Personnel.
  • Investors should also consider all fees and charges involved before investing. Past performance of the investment product is not an indication of future performance.
  • Investors should carefully consider whether any investment views or investment products are appropriate in view of their own investment experience, objectives, financial resources and relevant circumstances. If in doubt, investors should seek independent professional advice.
  • Investment Products is not protected by Perbadanan Insurans Deposit Malaysia (PIDM).
  • Maklumat yang terkandung disini adalah untuk rujukan dan tujuan maklumat am sahaja dan ia tidak boleh ditafsirkan sebagai tawaran untuk menjual, permintaan untuk membeli atau melanggan mana-mana Produk Pelaburan.
  • Produk pelaburan bukanlah kewajipan bank, tidak dijamin atau diinsuranskan oleh bank dan adalah tertakluk kepada risiko pelaburan (contohnya, risiko pasaran, risiko mata wang dan risiko kredit pengeluar) termasuk kemungkinan kerugian jumlah prinsipal yang dilaburkan.
  • Pelabur dinasihatkan untuk membaca, memahami dan mengkaji dengan teliti faktor risiko yang dinyatakan dalam kandungan dokumen berkaitan produk pelaburan masing-masing termasuk tetapi tidak terhad kepada prospektus atau memorandum maklumat serta lembaran sorotan produk sebelum melabur. Untuk maklumat lanjut dan mendapatkan salinan Prospektus atau Memorandum Maklumat atau Helaian Sorotan Produk, sila lawati cawangan terdekat atau rujuk dengan Pengurus Perhubungan / Kakitangan Jualan kami.
  • Pelabur juga perlu mempertimbangkan semua yuran dan caj yang terlibat sebelum melabur. Prestasi masa lampau produk pelaburan bukanlah petunjuk bagi prestasi masa hadapan.
  • Pelabur perlu mempertimbangkan dengan teliti sama ada sebarang pandangan pelaburan atau produk pelaburan adalah sesuai memandangkan pengalaman pelaburan, objektif, sumber kewangan dan keadaan yang berkaitan mereka sendiri. Jika ada sebarang keraguan, pelabur harus mendapatkan nasihat profesional bebas.
  • Produk pelaburan tidak dilindungi oleh Perbadanan Insurans Deposit Malaysia (PIDM).

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