
Be Part of SupportLokal Community and Start Supporting Local Brands Today!

Check out our Online Bazaar to discover our merchants’ offers.
Now, more than ever, local businesses need our support. From neighbourhood businesses that have been serving the community for decades, to new brands bringing excitement to the market — we’re here for you.

Join the #SupportLokal community at no cost and start supporting local brands today!
#SupportLokal is a good platform for us. Being connected to multiple touch points has helped us to gain more exposure by letting more potential users know about our business.

Terry Swee

Founder, Vesbo
#SupportLokal has contributed to the growth of our audience reach and brand awareness. Its extensive array of non-financial solutions, social exposure and networks are super useful to local SMEs like us.

Samantha Ng

Founder, Wise Crafters
Small businesses like ours need effective marketing solutions and brand credibility. Being a part of #SupportLokal has helped us build brand awareness and brand trust among new customers.

Amrina Radzi

CEO of Arteca Sdn Bhd
Besides helping us reach more customers, #SupportLokal is also an effective digital avenue for us to spread brand awareness and empower more women to thrive in today's world.

Aliyah Barakbah

Founder, Ning Salmah
SMEs should join #SupportLokal as it helps local businesses to propel their sales, increase outreach of potential users and grow their monthly revenue.

Elaine Hong

CEO of Enya
We're reaching new customers because #SupportLokal provides free support in helping us to identify relevant channels for our brand and products.


Founder, Faz Cookies

FAQs about Alliance Bank SupportLokal Business Programme

SupportLokal is a non-financial platform designed for consumers to explore local brands and discover better deals across a wide range of product categories. It is renowned for its commendable CSR initiatives, aiding business owners and local SMEs in enhancing their brand visibility and expanding their customer base.

To become part of the SupportLokal community, submit your business details, and our representatives will reach out to you.

This programme provides local SMEs with opportunities to enhance their business growth by tapping into the Bank’s extensive resources and wealth of information. Businesses onboarded on SupportLokal will not only increase their online visibility through the Bank’s corporate website and the SupportLokal Online Bazaar but will also have the chance to be featured on Alliance Bank’s social platforms. This exposure opens up opportunities for them to connect with a broader customer base nationwide.

Businesses operating on a Business-to-Customer (B2C) basis are eligible. SupportLokal encompasses a wide range of industries, including:
  1. Beauty and Health
  2. Food, Beverages, and Groceries
  3. Fashion and Lifestyle
  4. Electronics, Appliances, and Home Living
  5. Automotive, Products, and Services
  6. Specialized Services (Pest Control, Car Wash, House Installation, etc.).

To join the SupportLokal campaign, businesses must be locally established and accessible online through social media channels (e.g., Facebook, Instagram), eCommerce platforms (e.g., Shopee, Lazada), or their own website.

SupportLokal is a non-financial initiative by Alliance Bank Malaysia, aimed at fostering the growth of local businesses. We are committed to supporting SMEs, and as such, there are no charges or fees associated with businesses registering for this B2C digital marketplace. This platform is provided at no cost to the on-board community.

Yes, businesses interested in collaborating or forming a partnership to support the SME community are encouraged to reach out for further discussion.

To feature your products on the main banner of the SupportLokal marketplace and boost visibility, we recommend reaching out to our designated representative or person-in-charge.

The programme is primarily available in the digital space, with additional opportunities such as local on-ground activations or events.

Consumers can enjoy exclusive offers from local businesses (subject to availability). Moreover, they will have the opportunity to discover alternative brands that provide high-quality services and goods.

#SupportLokal, Buy Local

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