Alliance XChange Account/Fixed Deposit

Global Access. Zero Fees.

Save in your choice of foreign currency and enjoy preferred FOREX rates with no unnecessary fees.

Alliance XChange Account/Fixed Deposit

Manage your foreign funds online seamlessly with unnecessary fees.


Are you tired of paying expensive rates and unnecessary fees?

  • You can save your hard-earned money with Alliance XChange, our online foreign currency account/fixed deposit (FCA/FCFD) without paying any fees!

Planning to save for your child's future education overseas?

  • With Alliance XChange, you can save in your preferred foreign currencies at today's Forex e-Rate. You control your foreign funds according to your budget and never worry about future appreciation against Malaysian Ringgit (MYR).

A flexible and viable investment option

  • You can earn fixed interest rate returns and convert to Malaysian Ringgit (MYR) when the Forex e-Rates are favourable with an Alliance XChange Fixed Deposit account (online foreign currency fixed deposit).

Your bank account is now your global wallet. With Alliance XChange, you can grow your savings at great Forex e-Rates with ZERO fees. This is made possible by our online FCA/FCFD service, which can be accessed through allianceonline, our personal online banking platform.

Types of Account

Alliance XChange Account (online foreign currency account; FCA)

Open an Alliance XChange Account today and enjoy the benefits of an online foreign currency current account that also serves as your Investment Foreign Currency Account (FCA).

What else can Alliance XChange Account offer you?

  • To better manage your funds, you can open up to five (5) foreign currency accounts of the same currency.
  • To get you started, you simply need a 500 opening deposit in the corresponding foreign currency denomination (e.g., USD 500, except for JPY, which requires JPY20,000).
  • Maintain a minimum balance of 30 in the corresponding foreign currency denomination (except for JPY, which requires JPY3,000).
  • You may easily set up standing instructions for future-dated fund transfers and repeated fund transfers in the corresponding foreign currency.

Alliance XChange Fixed Deposit (online foreign currency fixed deposit; FCFD)

With Alliance XChange Fixed Deposits, you can enjoy the benefits of an online foreign currency fixed deposit which is an Investment Foreign Currency Account (FCA).

What else can Alliance XChange Fixed Deposits offer you?

  • You can start investing with a minimum placement of 2,500 units of the respective foreign currencies
  • With flexible tenures ranging from 1 month to 12 months, you can choose a duration that suits your investment needs for all currency types.

Open an Alliance XChange account/fixed deposit today by applying through allianceonline (personal online banking).



Protected by PIDM up to RM250,000 for each depositor. View PIDM brochure in your preferred language here.


  • Get access to up to 9 foreign currencies with us.
  • Zero Fees
    You don’t have to pay Annual Fees, Account Opening Fees, Conversion Fees, and Service Fees.
  • Zero Fees
    Apply Online, Manage from Anywhere Open an Alliance XChange Account, an online foreign currency account (FCA) account via allianceonline.
  • Get Great Forex Rates
    Get the best deals for your currency conversions with our exclusive e-Rates (AllianceXChange Forex e-Rates) and save more on your transactions. Even better, keep an eye out for our exciting "Hot" e-Rates that offer even greater savings.
  • Initial Deposit Is Low
    You can open an Alliance XChange Account with just 500 in the foreign currency of your choice (except for JPY which requires JPY20,000).
    You can start a fixed deposit with Alliance XChange by depositing just 2,500 in the foreign currency of your choice.

Important Notes on Foreign Exchange Notices

The account operations are subject to the guidelines under the Foreign Exchange Notices issued by Bank Negara Malaysia:

Check if you're eligible

Who can Open an Alliance XChange Account/Fixed Deposit (online FCA/FCFD)

  • To be eligible, you must have an active individual Current/Savings account(s) with Alliance Bank (conventional account only).
  • If you are already registered as an allianceonline (personal online banking) user, you're good to go!
  • You must be at least 18 years old (excluding sole proprietors and general partnerships), either a resident or non-resident.

Start easily managing your foreign currencies by opening an Alliance XChange Current Account or Fixed Deposit (Online FCA/FCFD)!

If you are an allianceonline User with a conventional Current or Savings account

  • Log in to your existing allianceonline account.
  • Open an Alliance XChange (interest-bearing online foreign currency account/fixed deposit) online.

If you are not an allianceonline User with conventional Current or Savings account

  • Register your mobile number and log in to allianceonline and complete "First Time Registration"
  • You can open the Alliance XChange (interest-bearing online foreign currency account/fixed deposit) online.

If you are not yet an Alliance Bank conventional Current or Savings account holder

  • You can open an Alliance SavePlus Account via allianceonline mobile app.
  • Upon successful of account opening, you can open the Alliance XChange (interest-bearing online foreign currency account/fixed deposit) via allianceonline web.

Are You a Resident or Non-Resident Individual

The applicable rules within the FE Notices differ between Residents and Non-Residents. BNM’s definitions of Residents and Non-Residents are set out below:

  Residents Non Residents
Individuals A citizen of Malaysia, excluding a citizen who has obtained permanent resident status in a country or a territory outside Malaysia and is residing outside Malaysia Any person other than a resident
A non-citizen of Malaysia who has obtained permanent resident status in Malaysia and is ordinarily residing in Malaysia A Malaysian citizen who has obtained permanent resident status of a country or territory outside Malaysia and is residing outside Malaysia

Interest Rates

Currency Alliance XChange Account Alliance XChange Fixed Deposit
Interest Rate (% p.a.)
Interest Rate (% p.a.) 1 mth 3 mths 6 mths 9 mths 12 mths
AUD 3.00 4.25 4.35 4.30 4.20 4.10
CAD 3.00 3.70 3.50 3.30 3.20 3.00
EUR 2.30 2.90 3.00 2.90 2.50 2.30
GBP 4.20 4.70 4.80 4.70 4.50 4.40
NZD 3.50 4.40 4.30 4.10 3.90 3.70
SGD 2.60 3.00 2.90 2.80 2.70 2.60
USD 4.10 4.50 4.55 4.50 4.20 4.10

Effective date: 6 January 2025

FAQs about Alliance XChange

Apply for Alliance XChange Account/Fixed Deposit

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