Islamic Low Carbon Transition Facility-i (LCTF-i)

Finance your purchase and installation of solar panels with us

Let us be part of your transition journey. Our financing packages are complemented with takaful and energy efficiency solutions to get you on track to meet your sustainability goals.

Islamic Low Carbon Transition Facility-i (LCTF-i)

Key Features

  • Financing limit of up to RM10 million.
  • Financing tenure of up to 10 years.
  • Guarantee from Syarikat Jaminan Pembiayaan Perniagaan (“SJPP”)* of up to 80% of the financing amount.
  • Financing is via Commodity Murabahah Term Financing-i (“CMTF-i”). CMTF-i is based on the Shariah contract of murabahah via tawarruq.**
* Subject to fulfilment of the guidelines and terms & conditions of the scheme.
** Murabahah is a contract involving the sale of assets at cost plus profit on deferred payment terms. Tawarruq refers to the arrangement for the purchase and sale of commodities to facilitate execution of the Murabahah contract.

Purpose of Financing

  • For financing the purchase and installation of solar panels (capital expenditure).


  • Up to 5% p.a. inclusive of guarantee fee.

Renewable Energy Certificate

  • A customer that applies for financing under the Islamic Sustainability Financing Programme and meets certain criteria will be eligible to receive a renewable energy certificate (“REC”) as an incentive from Alliance Islamic Bank at zero cost.
  • REC is an instrument that represents the legal rights to the environmental attributes of renewable energy (electricity) generation.
  • REC helps to lower a customer’s gross market-based scope 2 of Green House Gas (“GHG”) Protocol.

Who Can Apply?

  • Small and Medium Enterprises (“SMEs”) as defined by National Entrepreneur and SME Development Council (“NESDC”) and Mid-Size Companies (“MSC”).
  • Businesses registered in Malaysia, Malaysian controlled and Malaysian-owned businesses (at least 51% shareholding).
  • Sole-Proprietorships, Partnerships and Private Limited Companies.
  • Minimum business turnover of RM500,000.
  • Business establishment of at least 3 years.

Apply for Islamic Low Carbon Transition Facility-i (LCTF-i)

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