Retail Securities Investment

Potential Stability In Your Investment Portfolio.

A wide range of retail bond investment solutions.

Retail Securities Investment
Retail Securities is a form of debt security in which the issuer, depending on the terms of the securities, is obliged to pay the holder of the retail securities interest or coupon at pre-determined intervals and returns the principal on the maturity date.

Why invest in Retail Securities?

  • Potentially earn higher interest than regular fixed deposits
  • Investors benefit from a steady stream of cash flow payments through retail securities
  • Investors can liquidate their retail securities in the secondary market without forfeiting their accrued interest at the prevailing market price

Want to know more about Retail Securities Investment?

Term(s) Description
Issuer A company that issues the Bond to investors in order to raise capital for its operations, expansion or other needs.
Principal The amount paid upfront by the investors to purchase Bond which will then be returned upon maturity. It is also known as nominal value or par value of a Bond.
Maturity Date The date in which the principal amount is repaid in full by the Issuer.
Coupon For coupon-bearing bonds, this is the stated interest rate that the Issuer will pay to the bond holders, usually on a semi-annual basis. As investors buy bond issues through a secondary market, the actual bond yield will differ from the coupon rate.
Yield-to-Maturity Internal Rate of Return that an investor would receive if they purchased the bond at the prevailing market price and held it to maturity.
Bond Ratings It measures the quality of the issuer and its ability to make debt repayments.


Who is it for?

Retail Securities Investment is suitable for those who:
  • Has a medium to long-term investment horizon
  • Want to diversify their investment portfolio to include Fixed Income instrument
  • Want to enjoy a steady income stream through regular coupon payments

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