Government Guarantee Scheme

Give Your Business A Boost

Access to special funds and financing schemes from the Government for SMEs
ATTENTION! Beware of Scam.
Alliance Bank DOES NOT,
  • Collect upfront payment/fees.
  • Require payment to any agent(s)/advisor(s)/consultant(s) and/or Alliance Bank employee(s).
  • Appoint 3rd party for processing of loan application.
For further assistance, contact us at 1-300-80-3388.
Government Guarantee Scheme

Benefits of Government Guarantee Scheme

The new Government Guarantee Scheme MADANI (GGSM) is a guarantee financing scheme provided by Syarikat Jaminan Pembiayaan Perniagaan (SJPP) with the aim to support Malaysian SMEs and MSCs.

Available until 31 December 2024 or until full utilization of the funds, whichever is earlier.
  • Collateral-free financing
  • To support SMEs by providing assistance schemes initiated by government from time to time
  • Financing up to RM5,000,000
  • Up to 10 years to repay

Does your business qualify?

  • Business registered in Malaysia
  • For Sole-Proprietorship, Partnership and Private Limited Companies


  • Minimum 51% shareholding by Malaysians
  • Business registration documents
  • Latest 6 months* company bank statements
  • Joint and Several Guarantee is required (Sdn Bhd only)

Note: The list is not exhaustive. Additional documents may be required to support application.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

For Focus Sectors (High Tech, Agriculture, Manufacturing & Tourism sectors only), guarantee fee of 0.75% per annum payable upfront against the guarantee coverage sum.

For Other Sectors, guarantee fee of 1.00% per annum payable upfront against the guarantee coverage sum.

Note: The guarantee fee will be deducted directly from your account with Alliance Bank upon loan disbursement.  

Please be aware that Alliance Bank has not appointed any third parties to act on its behalf for Alliance Digital SME loan applications. No upfront payments (such as handling fees, guarantee fees, commissions, processing fees, stamp duty, etc.) should be paid to any individual, company account, agent, advisor, consultant, or Alliance Bank employee.

All business industries are encouraged to apply. However, approval is subject to the Bank's credit assessment.

Kindly leave your name and contact details with us. We’ll give you a callback within 2 working days.

Contact us to enquire about other Government Assisted Schemes such as:

  • SME Automation & Digitalisation Facility (ADF)
  • Agrofood Facility (AF)
  • PENJANA Tourism Financing (PTF)
  • High Tech & Green Facility (HTG)
  • Low Carbon Transition Facility (LCTF)

Refer to Terms & Conditions for BNM Funds for SMEs here.


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